I went to the cinema today with my girlfriend to watch "gone baby gone" by Ben Affleck and before the film started we got at least 15 minutes of adverts, which I am used to by now. I actually enjoy watching some of the adverts because they are in full, the way that the original producers of the adverts wanted you to see them. But for now that isn't my problem, my problem is with the adverts that follow the usual commercial BUY OUR PRODUCT OR DIE part of being at the cinema, it's the part where they give you previews of films.
When watching a film that you have wanted to see for a long time and you missed the chance to watch at the cinema, of which you also are too lazy to rent on DVD, eventually (after a couple of years) comes on T.V, you do not want your cock of a best friend to tell you either what happens before you watch it, or to tell you right before a good part, and why it is a good part. When I am watching a film with someone that has already seen the film and I know what they are like, I tell them that they are not allowed to speak during the film because I enjoy the element of surprise.
Getting back to my point of the previews at the cinemas. Whilst sat watching the previews at Cineworld cinemas I encountered numerous films that I knew that I would end up watching (although the film that I was there to watch was about the abduction of a little girl all but one of the previews were for horror films). The film that was previewed that really grabbed my attention was a film called "The Mist" of which was written by Steven King, this film at the first ten seconds of the preview looked really interesting, the preview showed people being frightened and running away from what looked like a thick white fog (mist), then showing a large group of people in a small looking supermarket quickly closing the door to stop the quickly approaching mist from getting in. This was followed by the group of people who seemed to be trapped inside the supermarket holding a rope that was attached to a man slowly walking out of the door and into the mist, this was quickly followed by the rope being pulled at tremendous speed by whatever is in the mist, and we saw the rope being pulled back with blood on.
By this point i was dragged into the film, I already wanted to see the film because I didn't know what was in the mist or if it was the mist itself killing people. But guess what, the preview didn't end there, the rest of the preview showed what was killing the people, basically a monster. This seriously pissed me off because I was already captivated by the preview and not only did I not want to know more, I DIDN'T need to know more.
Have promoters never heard the phrase "curiosity killed the cat" the reason why that phrase is around in the first place is because when people are curious, they investigate, and when people wonder what's in the fucking mist they will go and look in the fucking mist and they don't need to know about something that will probably be revealed halfway through the fucking film spoiling the first 45 minutes of something that would have been 10x better if they had watched without knowing what was killing the people in the film.
This is not the first time this has happened, I am poor at giving examples but I know for a fact that I have been watching a film and known what was going to happen because I had seen it in a fucking preview.
Here is a similar preview, please note that it is not the same preview that I saw at the cinema, this particular preview is a lot less revieling then the one I saw because this one just shows massive insects not monsters, but it gives you the general idea of what I am trying to point out.
Please comment on this post because I am very passionate about this and it has pissed me off for along time.