I recently went to my friends house to play 360 with an array of games; COD 4, GOW, THP8, Forza 2 etc. When we decided to play GTAIV we started to play it online, which I admit is really fun, but after a while and a few beers we started to lose and get our asses kicked by all of the pre-teen kids whose retarded brother forgot to lock his bedroom door and had gone out to smoke crack allowing little Timothy top hat to play GTAIV online whilst singing down his headset, but I don't care because this is apart of online gaming.
We know that Rockstar (developers of GTA) have gone for a "realistic", "Grittier" approach, which is all fine and dandy if you enjoyed The Getaway on PS2, but not, if like me you like to fuck shit up in the coolest most crazy ways possible.
Playing the story mode is very compelling as are being able to decide who you kill in certain parts of the game. My problem is that they seem to have forgotten one thing, and that is that GTA is supposed to be FUN. They have forgotten that people used to like to pick it up when with a bunch of friends and blow shit up whilst being chased by army guys and tanks. What I am getting at is this, If you were asked a couple of years ago what you expected GTAIV to be like, your answer would probably be something along the lines of bigger, better and more options, but unfortunately this isn't the case.
18 Reasons why the best game of all time is a major disappointment in comparison to San Andreas.
No planes
OK so there was 9/11 which was terrible, and the game is set in New York, but anybody who has played Grand Theft Auto 3 and up would understand that the planes were there to be used, not to re-enact unpleasant pieces of history, I don't know who decided that not having planes in a game that not only has already had them in it, but people really enjoyed to play with. No new weapons
This one i can't think of a reason for, there seems to be a serious lack of weapons to choose from, also all of these weapons (besides maybe the M4A1 which is the assault rifle that isn't the AK47) have been in previous instalments of the game, why no new weapons? why no silenced weapons for example? This won't seem to bother you if you haven't completed GTAIV yet but once you have, you want to run around and cause havoc, and then you will wonder where your rail gun is, it isn't there, its back in time. Only a Bat and a knife for melee weapons
Where have all the melee weapons gone? In vice city i had a freaking chainsaw to play with, and that was supposed to be 20 years ago, Where is my screwdriver and my hammer that i can use to bash people in the face with? Crappy soundtrack which probably cost a million to produce when they could have just bought some rights of recent hits
I don't know if anybody else has mentioned this (which they most likely have) but the soundtrack for GTAIV is nothing to celebrate, in fact i think this is the first game since Vice City that hasn't had a separate soundtrack C.D released due to its awesomeness, there is a real lack of known music in the latest game and that sucks balls. No car modifying
Where the hell did the car modifying go? Without the car modifying it seems really pointless to keep onto a car, unlike in San Andreas where you could get pretty annoyed that you just flipped your freshly created super car over a bridge which landed upside-down with you no option but to get out and run whilst you shed a tear knowing you shall never see old beeny the meanie again. but i really liked modifying my cars to suit my character, modifying cars is a great option to have when your bored with the game. No bicycles
Was i the only one who liked to torment the cops with an UZI and a BMX? I could out run the cops in their cars whilst I was on my BMX and it felt cool to be riding one too, why take these away as well? Realism? because there are no cyclists in New York? yeah right. Only one or two noticeable new cars like a hybrid lookalike
Here comes GTAIV, imagine what crazy new cars its going to have. Stop there son, because there are no new cars, except a fucking hybrid and an airport car, what the fuck, why have they forgotten that a sequel is supposed to have MORE.
No tanks
OK, WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE TANKS? My friends were looking on the internet for cheats to make the game more fun, and there were no cheats to get a tank, does this mean there is no army guys chasing you?No army guys
Right Rockstar, the fun's over where have you hidden GTA? because what you seem to have given me here is a 30 hour Cops and Robbers chase, getting the army after you whilst playing with friends is like a badge of honour, now its almost the same as getting a one star wanted level multiplied by six. A lack of stupid costumes
In San Andreas i had a hockey mask and a gimp outfit (that was actually from a mission LOL) that i could change into, now i have the garbage guys clothes and an Albanians jacket? Wow i look so foolish whilst i am taunting the police... not. Smaller island's
Have you noticed yet? yea those three islands are actually really small, it just seems big because every street looks the same so you can get lost easier, i admit that the map is much taller then it was previously, but noticing a lack of being able to do nothing with these tall buildings besides look at them seems pointless. No countryside
won't go into much detail here, but I really did love the desert and the countryside in San Andreas, but fair enough there is no countryside in NY No underwater swimming
This pissed me off, I jumped into the water to evade the cops when i realised that i couldn't dive under for any period of time for safety, OK its unrealistic that a guy would be swimming in New York but Jesus Christ if we want a life simulation we go to our mothers house to get nagged about how we should be eating less. No parachutes
The idea to give Carl (previous games heroin) a parachute was a great one, yet with a lack of planes they seem to have thrown that out of the window too, I found this to be one of the coolest parts of SA and Rockstar developers obviously don't agree. Few places to go inside of
There seems to be 6 or seven places to eat that aren't hot dog stands (which is a copy and paste job anyway), this would have been forgiven if the map was much wider, but its not, we can't even rob shops, we can't go into anywhere that doesn't have a mission based on its existence.Poor range of clothes to choose from
Suits, poor people clothes that make you look like a bum, or 4 - 5 trendy looking clothes from "Modo", these are your options when it comes to buying clothes. No character modification
No haircuts, no muscle gain, no tattoos, no weight gain, nothing besides the few clothes to choose from, admittedly there is some character customization in the multi-player arenas, but again they look kind of poor. The cheats suck
Yea, want have fun without playing the missions? tough, you can't, the only cheats are to increase and decrease your wanted level, Armour, all guns and full ammo plus healing yourself and spawning a chopper, plus something to do with the weather. Compare these to the crazy cheats in San Andreas, for example changing all cars to the colour pink, having all pedestrians rioting with one another, spawning all sorts of cars including the tank, and you have yourself one hell of a crazy time.

I could go on but you get the jest of it, basically Rockstar probably won't introduce any of these into any of their new games because I can imagine them sticking to their realistic guns which in my eyes is a bad road to go down when you look at how boring people found 'The Getaway' in comparison with GTA, I don't want to meet the guy who made all of these decisions to cut some brilliant features that really brought the last game to life, but if I did I would chainsaw him and kill his prostitute wife before stealing the money I gave her for sex, then go for a swim underwater whilst being chased by the army.
Danny ^_^
P.S please note that I love this game besides its taking away of old features.